Elliott speaks to Mill Creek


The Mill Creek Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held its monthly meeting, Tuesday night, October 17, at the Old Timey Restaurant in Statesboro at 6 p.m. With President Randy Jones presiding, they had 13 in attendance. President Randy opened the meeting with a prayer as they enjoyed an outstanding buffet meal. After the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR, President Randy introduced Archeologist Dan Elliott to present his program. Dan's program was on the "Arms of Ebenezer, Revolutionary War". Dan talked about how he had been receiving grants and doing archeology in the town of Ebenezer since 2001. He showed maps of Ebenezer dating to 1757 forward. These maps showed locations of the earthworks for protection of up to six different locations within the town. Also, since the town was laid off in 1736, after the plan of Savannah, it had locations of the homes, the church, parsonage, an academy, orphan house, public storehouse and marketplaces. During the occupation by the British from January 2, 1779, to 1782, the people of Ebenezer were exposed to every hardship. Its handsome brick Jerusalem Church was used first as a hospital for the sick and wounded soldiers, later as a stable for cavalry horses. Ebenezer became a thoroughfare for British troops passing from Augusta to Savannah. Dan talked about all the Revolutionary War artifacts that they found with metal detectors after digging. All kinds of artifacts were found, recorded, pictures taken and then replaced where they found them, including buttons, nails, cannon balls, rifle balls, rifle parts, etc. Each year, Ebenezer Heritage Day event is held on Labor Day and the Church is still in use each week. After Dan's presentation, Registrar Dess presented President Randy with a Chapter Flag Streamer that he received when Compatriot Lee Herron presented a wreath for the Mill Creek Chapter at the 2nd Siege of Augusta Celebration held on September 16, 2023, at the Knox Center in Augusta. President Randy then closed the meeting with the SAR Recessional.