ECI FFA members and advisors attend the Statewide Floral Design training


Emanuel County Institute FFA member Halli Kate Johnson recently attended the statewide FFA Floral Design Career Development Event training held at Camp John Hope. The workshop is designed specifically for FFA members and FFA Advisors to strengthen their floral design skills as well as build confidence in their creative ability. Randy Wooten (Delorice’s Florist) and Georgia State Florist Association members led the training. The partnership between middle and high school agriculture programs and the Georgia State Florist Association plays a fundamental role in preparing students for future careers in the floral industry. The FFA Advisor/Agriculture Teacher who attended was Ms. Tori Pellerin.

This year’s State Floral Design Training participants were divided into two groups. Sessions were developed for both junior (6th-9th grade) and senior (10th-12th grade) levels. These specialized sessions allowed students more individual attention to hone their design skills in a particular area. Students learned to create traditional and modern bud vases, boutonnieres, corsages, centerpieces, and bouquets using the latest trends and techniques from the industry.

The Floral Design Career Development Event, which will be held this fall, allows students to showcase their talents in a competitive environment by utilizing the principles and elements of design. Students use the principles of balance, proportion, scale, focal point, emphasis, rhythm, harmony, unity, and the technique of flower placement to create their designs. The top two students from each of the six area events will move on to compete on the state level in December at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.

FFA is a national organization of over 945,988 members preparing for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture. The Georgia FFA Association has a membership of more than 80,000, making it the third-largest association in the nation. The Georgia Department of Education provides leadership and helps set the direction for FFA as a service to the local agricultural education programs.

FFA is an integral part of the agricultural education program in public schools. The FFA’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.