ECHS to hold monthly meeting Thursday


The Emanuel County Historic Society will host its January meeting on Thursday the 25th at 7 p.m. at the Varner 4-H Center. Please bring your favorite dish to share. Drinks will be furnished.

Dr. John Derden will present a program on General LaFayette who served at an early age with George Washington in our country’s fight for independence from Britain. There is a strong interest in this part of our country’s history. Anyone is welcome to attend, membership not required.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 11 to come to our Georgia Day Open House at the museum, 161 Fairground Rd., across from the Jaycee Fairground. Hours will be 1 – 4 p.m. Again, no membership or admission is necessary.

Our museum houses artifacts from the early 1860s to the 1950s. We plan to move the agricultural display into the partially enclosed group shelter later this Spring, so if you are interested in helping with that, please contact Missy Elder 478-763-3631. Hope to see you soon!