Derden speaks to Wiregrass Chapter


The Wiregrass Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting, Thursday night, July 13, 2023, at the New China Restaurant at 6:30 p.m. With President Wilder Smith, Jr. presiding, they had 16 in attendance, including two guests. President Wilder presented Compatriot Bobby Reeves with his Military Service Veterans Corps Certificate for his four years serving in the U.S. Air Force. Compatriot John Derden presented his program, "Not a Man Hurt", about the Revolutionary War Naval Battle on the Frederica River off St. Simons Island on April 19, 1778. Three galleys, the Washington, Lee, and Bulloch, entered the Frederica River and anchored at Pikes Bluff, a mile and 1/2 above Fort Frederica on April 18. On the morning of April 19, Col. Samuel Elbert took the three galleys down the Frederica River and attacked three of the British Ships, Hinchinbrook, Rebecca and Hatter. Because of the American Galleys being lightly built craft and could be rowed whereas the British Ships were pure sailing ships and there was no wind that day, the British had to anchor. The American galleys then anchored just out of range of the British four pounders. The galleys were armed with cannons, some 18 pounders that had a greater range. The battle was won by the Americans but was a small minor victory. It did however disable two British ships that have been capturing American merchant ships off the Georgia and South Carolina coast.