Continuing Atlanta, Ga


Following my dream after I graduated from SHS in 1953, I headed to Atlanta. Frances Willis joined me. We moved into a boardinghouse with former classmate, Betty Gillis, and found summer jobs. We spent our first summer learning the way around the city and traveling on the big, red, electric buses. I knew I was in the right place at the right time.

I entered the Atlanta Division of University of Georgia which would soon become Georgia State University. I went to classes in the morning and worked four hours in the afternoon. Between a small Beta Club scholarship and part-time work, I was able to stay solvent and eat a lot of Varsity hotdogs. Two years later my plans changed.

I met a Georgia Tech senior from Arkansas who became the love of my life. After marriage to “that boy from Arkansas as my family called him” we lived in seven states but never in Atlanta again. Our last move was to Greenville SC. This lovely southern city reminded us of the Atlanta of 1956. However, Greenville is progressing and becoming a larger city. My motivation comes from a recent candidate for mayor of Greenville. Her campaign platform was, “I will not let Greenville become another Atlanta.” My first thought was, “How dare admonish the city of my heart!” Of course, she did not get my vote or many others. Our current mayor who believes in progress was re-elected.

I will always have the memory of my first trip to Atlanta and love for our capital city---even if the traffic is terrible. Write to Shirley at