Commission studies new legislation


The Emanuel County Board of Commissioners convened Monday evening, May 20, 2024, for their customary 6 p.m. monthly meeting. Commission Chairman Hugh Foskey called for order to begin the agenda and welcomed everyone attending. In addition to the Chairman, Commissioners Coleman, Oliver, Sherrod, and Thompson were present. County Administrator Singletary and County Clerk Halei Lamb were also attending. An invocation was offered by County Attorney Richard McNeely, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sherrod. The first order of business was the approval of minutes of the April 15, 2024, regular meeting and the May 13, 2024, workshop meeting. There were no items of old business requiring the board’s attention, and the agenda moved on to consider two subject issues under new business. The first item considered dealt with surplus county equipment. Administrator Singletary reported that a significant amount of equipment of various description had aged-out or was of a non-performing status. Commissioners decided to declare this lot of equipment surplus and directed it for disposal at auction. A motion to that effect was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Coleman. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. In a second item under new business, Administrator Singletary informed the board of new legislation recently signed into law that makes it possible for local governments to establish their own authorities for the administration of public facilities projects. According to Singletary, this would give the county access to more favorable conditions in the administrative areas of finance, contracting and construction, thereby reducing project costs. This subject was discussed primarily for information purposes for the commissioners. If deemed appropriate, a local board could be established at the discretion of the Commission. This concluded the evening’s business agenda and adjournment followed.