Busy agenda for Commissioners


County Commission Chairman Hugh Foskey opened the June meeting of the Emanuel County Board of Commissioners on Monday, June 17, 2024, at 6 p.m. Commissioners Coleman, Oliver, Sherrod and Thompson were in attendance at the Commission Board Room as well as County Administrator Singletary, County Attorney McNeely and County Clerk Lamb. An invocation was offered by Attorney McNeely followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice Chairman Sherrod. In initial action, the minutes of the June 10, 2024, workshop meeting, the June 3, 2024, Bond workshop meeting, and the May 20,2024, regular meeting were approved by motion and vote. Under old business, there were no agenda items addressed. Under new business, contractual agreements were considered with the Heart of Georgia Regional Commission for services provided at the Emanuel County Senior Citizens Center. County Administrator Singletary provided discussion of the agreement for consideration and commissioners voted to unanimously continue this relationship. Next, commissioners considered the reappointment of Nicky Drake to the EMS Council. This measure was agreed to unanimously as well. Appointments to a new “Public Facilities Authority” was the next item for the evening’s agenda. Gary Mason was appointed as an “at large” public representative to the Authority to serve alongside three members of the Board of Commissioners. This action was ratified by unanimous vote. Increasing costs and outdated equipment were the operative phrases of the next issue as the commissioners considered replacing 911 communication equipment. In order to provide law enforcement and emergency operations with the necessary new software and updated recorder equipment for the future, commissioners voted accordingly in unanimous agreement to approve an expenditure of $113,525. The auditing of county financial records and reports was the next agenda item addressed. Following discussion and recommendation, commissioners voted to contract with the Bellview Firm for those accounting audit services. The last agenda item dealt with a proposal from Georgia Power to provide two charging stations in Swainsboro for electric vehicles with no cost to Emanuel County. Currently, Emanuel County is named as one of a number of counties in the State that do not have these EV charging facilities. Georgia Power is working with the Department of Transportation to construct and service charging stations with grant money from the federal government. The only involvement by local government would be to provide two parking spaces for the charging stations. Following some questioning, the commissioners voted to accept the proposal from Georgia Power. Following this, the meeting’s regular agenda was completed.