Burke speaks to the Fall Line Chapter


The Fall Line Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting Tuesday evening, May 9, 2023, at the Washington County Chamber of Commerce building at 7 p.m. With President Sandy Mercer presiding, there were nine in attendance. After the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR, President Mercer called on Vice President Dess Smith III to introduce our speaker for the evening. VP Smith introduced Compatriot Steve Burke who is the Vice President of the Wiregrass Chapter in Swainsboro, and he is also a "member at Large" on the board of the Georgia Society. Burke's presentation for the evening was "Francis Merrion, the Swamp Fox". Francis Marion was a military officer who served in the American Revolution. He had an officer commission not only in the South Carolina Militia, but also the Continental Army. During the British occupation of South Carolina and Charleston, he was a persistent adversary. His method of warfare was irregular, and it made him one of the fathers of modern guerrilla warfare and maneuver warfare. Additionally, he is noted as an ancestor of the U.S. Army Rangers and the 75th Ranger Regiment. After participating in several battles, such as Fort Sullivan, Siege of Savannah Monck's Corner and at Waxhaws, Marion organized a small unit, which at first consisted of between 20 and 70 men and was the only force then opposing the British Army in the State. Marion rarely committed his men to frontal warfare but repeatedly bewildered larger bodies of Loyalists or British regulars with quick surprise attacks and equally sudden withdrawal from the field. Vice President Smith then presented President Mercer with a Chapter Flag Streamer from the Frederica Naval Battle event held at Saint Simons Island on April 15, 2023. Compatriot Burke had presented the Fall Line Chapter wreath in honor of those brave men that fought during the American Revolution.