The Emanuel County Board of Education met on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at Swainsboro Middle School with the following members in attendance: Brandon Jones, Cherie Hooks, Del Brown, Tanya Lane, Sandra Swinney and Johnny Parker. John Allen Bailey was absent. Chairman Del Brown welcomed everyone calling the meeting to order. Johnny Parker then delivered the invocation followed by Tanya Lane leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Sandra Swinney made a motion to approve the agenda. Johnny Parker seconded the motion. Johnny Parker, Del Brown, Cherie Hooks, Brandon Jones, Tanya Lane and Sandra Swinney voted “yes”.
Superintendent’s Comments
1. January Awards for F.A.M.I.L.Y., P.A.U.S.E. and S.A.S. – Mrs. Tammy Gray recognized the following recipients: January, 2024 F.A.M.I.L.Y. recipient was Nikki Robinson (SMS); January, 2024 P.A.U.S.E. recipient was Fernando Lopez-Garcia, a Swainsboro Elementary School student; January, 2024 S.A.S. recipient was Cendy Lee (ECI).
2. GAEL Vision Award
3. FFA Week fish fry for board members will be Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 6 p.m.
4. Dr. Denise Warnock recognized Swainsboro Middle School Jr. Beta students and teachers who participated in the State Convention in Savannah November 27-29, 2023.
Sponsors/Teacher were Marcie Gay, Amy Screws, Candi Boulineau, Latoya Nealey
Student achievements are as follows: Alice Lopez Acosta, 1st Place - 6th Grade Spanish;
Amelia Clements, 3rd Place - Visual Arts: 3D Design; Sydney Lively, 3rd Place -Visual Arts: 3D Design; Stella Marsh, 3rd Place -Visual Arts: 3D Design; Aubree Roberts, 4th Place -Visual Arts: Color Photography; Kaylee Screws, 3rd Place -Visual Arts: Quilling; Abi Torpy, 1st Place -Visual Arts: Mixed Media; Tate Torpy, 1st Place-Visual Arts: Woodworking; Amelia Clements, 3rd Place -Book Battle; Gzourney Gardner, 3rd Place-Book Battle; Arlin Swanner, 3rd Place-Book Battle; Alice Lopez Acosta, 5th Place-Digital Portfolio; Ava Patel, 5th Place-Digital Portfolio; Maritza Saldana-Martinez, 5th Place-Digital Portfolio; Abi Torpy, 5th Place-Digital Portfolio; Julianne Way, 5th Place-Digital Portfolio; and Jocelyn Williams, 5th Place-Digital Portfolio; Gracee Brown, 5th Place- Songfest; Banks Burke, 5th Place- Songfest; Rayanna Burnette, 5th Place- Songfest; Hannah Camarero, 5th Place- Songfest; Jacob Carroll, 5th Place- Songfest; Amelia Clements, 5th Place- Songfest; Kirstin Coleman, 5th Place- Songfest; Brennan Collins, 5th Place- Songfest; Cade Colston, 5th Place- Songfest; Calli Fields, 5th Place- Songfest; Jaliyah Hall, 5th Place- Songfest; Bowyn Harvey, 5th Place- Songfest; Layla Headrick, 5th Place- Songfest; Maddux Hendrix, 5th Place- Songfest; Kaybreigh Hostilo, 5th Place- Songfest; Rayleigh Hutcheson, 5th Place- Songfest; Consuela Jimenez, 5th Place- Songfest; Landon Kapp, 5th Place- Songfest; Sydney Lively, 5th Place- Songfest; Alice Lopez-Acosta, 5th Place- Songfest; Luis Lopez Garcia, 5th Place- Songfest; Stella Marsh, 5th Place- Songfest; Gatlin Martinez, 5th Place- Songfest; Ethan Mason, 5th Place- Songfest; Lenox McNeely, 5th Place- Songfest; Parker Outlaw, 5th Place- Songfest; Ava Patel, 5th Place- Songfest; Jusvin Rithsay, 5th Place- Songfest; Aubree Roberts, 5th Place- Songfest; Martiza Saldana-Martinez, 5th Place- Songfest; Sakiyna Sanders, 5th Place- Songfest; Anna Grace Scarborough, 5th Place- Songfest; Colton Sconyers, 5th Place- Songfest; Kaylee Screws, 5th Place- Songfest; Stetson Sheppard, 5th Place- Songfest; Sara Smith, 5th Place- Songfest; Sa’Riyah Smith, 5th Place- Songfest; Raylin Stapleton, 5th Place- Songfest; Arlin Swanner, 5th Place- Songfest; Cierra Thomas, 5th Place- Songfest; Jude Thompson, 5th Place- Songfest; Savannah Thompson, 5th Place- Songfest; Abi Torpy, 5th Place- Songfest; Ashlyn Turner, 5th Place- Songfest; Julianne Way, 5th Place- Songfest; Jocelyn Williams, 5th Place- Songfest.
Dr. Warnock also recognized Swainsboro Middle School students and sponsor who participated in the District Honor Band at Stallings Island Middle School on December 2, 2023.
Sponsor/Teacher was Tylan Davis.
Receiving recognition were Edilson Perez-Hernandez, Tuba-Honor Band Alternate; Juan Perez-Hernandez, Euphonium-Honor Band; Jose Perez-Lopez, Euphonium-Honor Band Alternate
Next was recognition of Swainsboro Middle School UGA Honor Band in Athens, Ga December, 7-9, 2023.
Sponsor/Teacher was also Tylan Davis.
Students recognized were Kolby Barber, Tuba; Christopher Barrett, Trumpet; Kamm’Rynn Bell, Trombone; Taden Brinson, Trombone; Jamir Carter, 1st Chair Contra Alto Clarinet; Michael Collins, Tuba; Johnny Crapps, Trombone; Gunner Davis, Horn; Levy DeLeon-Lopez, Trombone; Jaden Hall, Alto Sax; Genesis Herrington, Trombone; Stella Marsh, Tuba; Payton McCullough, Trumpet; Harley Peebles, Flute; Edilson Perez-Hernandez, Tuba; Jose Perez-Lopez, Euphonium; Juan Perez-Herandez, Euphonium
Final recognition at this month’s meeting was Star Student and Star Teacher recipients as follows: Ricardo Jose-Lara, Star Student-Swainsboro High School; Ricardo Jose-Lara,
Star Student-Emanuel County; William Sasser, Star Student-Emanuel County Institute; Dorne Farnum-Holmes, Star Teacher –Emanuel County Institute; Selena Reynolds, Star Teacher –Swainsboro High School
Discussion of Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was presented and approved as follows:
1. Approval of Minutes of the January 16, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
2. Approval of Financial Reports – Mollie Smith
3. Approval of Fiscal Agent Agreement (Family Connection Grant)-Mollie Smith
4. Approval of FY25 Academic Calendar-Dr. Denise Warnock
5. Approval of Fundraisers-Swainsboro Middle School
Swainsboro Middle fundraisers approved include the following:
Basketball,Cheer Lollipops April/May 2024; Jr. Beta Club Candy Bar Sales, Jan. 10-May 19, 2024; Jr. Beta Club, Beta Dance March, 2024; Jr. Beta Club, Silent Auction May, 2024; Jr. Beta Club, Field Day Concessions May, 2024; Jr. Beta Club, School Talent Show May, 2024; Media Center, Popcorn Sales January 26, 2024; Media Center, Popcorn Sales February 9, 2024, March 8, 2024, March 29, 2024, April 19, 2024; Media Center, Book Fair Spring 2024; Media Center, Pull A Pops-During Book Fair Spring 2024; FFA, Ice Cup Sales (In class only) January 16-May 15, 2024; FFA, Chicken Salad Chick February 23-March 14, 2024; FFA, Car Wash April 20, 2024; FFA, Bake Sale May 4, 2024; FFA, Krispy Kreme April 15-May 2, 2024; 8th Grade, 8th Grade Dance April 15, 2024; 8th Grade, Dress Down Day March 8, 2024; 8th Grade, Flag Football May 10, 2024; 8th Grade, Social April 30, 2024; 7th Grade, Jogger Day February 15, 2024
The regular meeting closed with the approval of 2024-25 lawn care recommendations by Jansen Ware.
Executive Session
The Board approved the renewal, employment, retired, retirement and resignations of the following certified and classified employees:
Renewals of principals and directors:
Andrews, Brandon; Lawrence, Shannon; Barber, Stacey; Mason, Stefanie; Collins, Jessica; Miller, David; Daniels, Maria; Norton, Lara; Edenfield, Anetria; Smith, Mollie; Gamble, Dionne; Tapley, Sarah; Hooks, Chandra; Warnock, Denise; Clark-Hubbard, Demita; Ware, Jansen; Watkins, Valorie
All other certified staff members:
Adam Akridge, Ashley Akridge, Ellen Akridge, Kyler Akridge, Sheri Allen, Amy Atkinson, Debra Austin, George Bakey, Amanda Beasley, Melissa Beasley, Stacie Besier, Jennifer Best, Elizabeth Bishop, Allison Blackburn, Dawn Boddiford, Delphine Bostic, Candi Boulineau, Kathryn Braddy, Haley Brantley, Kristie Brantley, Hunter Braswell, Nickole Braswell, Cynthia Brett, Loise Brinson, April W Brown, Katherine Brown, Nina R Brown, Shayla Brown, Rachel Burkhalter, Megan Bush, Amber Butler, Whitney Calhoun, Heather Canady, Judy Cannady, Kellie Cannady, Lane Cardell, Donnell Carter, Jessica Cauley, Corey Chalker, Stephen Clark, Karen Claxton, Keri Claxton, Pattie Claxton, Whitney Claxton, Justin Coleman, Ashley B Collins, Janice M Collins, Jessica Conley, Katie Cowart, Sondra Cowart, Devin Coxwell, Tracy Coxwell (Ass’t Dir), Stephanie Crapps, Elizabeth Kraus-Cravey, Cassidy Curry, Livia Daniel, Tera Daniels, Andrea D Davis, Kaylee Davis, Kristen Davis, Lindsay Davis, Megan Davis, Pippin Davis, Tylan Davis, Denni Delinski, Amy Dorsey, Valerie Douglas, Tabatha Downer, Arlene Drew, Almeatta Durden, Jenna S Durden, Molly J Durden (49%), Abby Edenfield, Daniel Edenfield, Jessica English, Macy Fagler, Lisa Faircloth, Melissa Farthing, Dedra Felkel, Savannah Ferrell, Caleb Fields, Jennifer Fitzner, Brionna Flood, Alexandra Flowers, Shanna Foskey, Amanda Freeman, Donita Freeman, Julie Frix, Brooke Frye (AP), Leah Frye, Judy Gay, Marcie Gay, April Gibson, Audrey J Giddens, Chase Giddens, Mary Gilmore, Donna Godowns (49% CTA AP), Alison Goodman, Barry Golden (AP), Olivia Golden, Betty Gomez, Antwanette Green, Samantha Green, Robin Grimes, Shaylin Griswold, Harmon Groves, Cameron Hadden, Kendall Hadden, Shanda Hall, Sierra Hancock, Holly Harkins, Benjamin C Harper, Bridgette Harrison, Tammy Harvey, Holly Hattaway, Suzanne Hendricks, Alicia Hendricks, Avery Hendrickson, Ashley Henry, Christie Henry (AP), Felicia Herrington, Pamela Hill, Brice Hobbs, David Hodges, Heather Erin Hodges, Heather J Hodges, John Hodges, Linda Holder (49%), Cameo Holloway, Marisha Holloway, Dorene Holmes, Amy Holton, Allison Hood, Angela Hooks, Ashley Hooks, Kay Hooks, Marla Hooks, Krista Hostilo, Frederick G Hundley (49%), Cheryl Hughes, Silvana Ibanez, Kristie Irvin, Morgan Jersey, Amanda Johnson, Anna Johnson, Chelsea Johnson, Erica Johnson, Haley Johnson, Jamie Johnson, Keylee Johnson, Russell Johnson, Schuyler Johnson, Siobhan C Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Eric Jones, Karen Jones, Kathy Jordan, Natalie Jordan, Angelia Joyner, April Kea, Christopher Kearson, Caroline Kelly, Linda Kelly, James G Kennedy, Jennifer Key, Karol Key, Bonnie A Kraus, Jana Lee, Tracey Lee, Patricia Lewis, Marl Lillquist, Alana B Logan, Kelly Logan, Ashley Love, Charlean Love, Lorie Love, William Marchman, David Markwith, Selena Marsh, Calissa Mason, Sandra Mason, Valese McCallister, Amy McBride, April McBride, Stephanie McCullough, William McKee, Jane Mcleod, Bobby McNeely, Lucretia McNeely, Rebecca McNeely, Kaylen Meadows, Mandy Meeks, Grayson Mendieta (AP), Kelli Mendieta, Mystie Mingledorff, Kellie Mixon, Chole Moore, Chelsie Morris, Harold R Moxley, Karen Moxley, Taylor Muirhead, Denise Myers, Latoya Nealey, Justin Neesmith, Brandy Nelson, John C Nelson, Christian Novak, Joseph O’Neal, Angel Oliver, Eddie Oliver, Daniel Overstreet, Lelyn Overstreet, Monica Pace, Alton H Palmer, Rebecca Palmer, Wanda Parrish, Faith Patick, Salina Patton, Allison Peebles, Elayah Peebles, Victori Pellerin, Lisa Polychrones, Barbara Poole, John Caleb Pressey, Elizabeth Price, Christopher Pye, Lora Raines, David Ray, Deanna Ryan, Leah Rehberg, Lisa Reynolds, Selena Reynolds, Amanda Rigdon, Cynthia Riner, Befany Roberson, Corian Roberson (AP), Dannielle Roberts, Sara Emilee Roberts, Scott Roberts, Adam Robertson, Patrice Robinson, Phillip Robinson, Ann Rogers, Richard Rogers, Lori Romley, Jessica Rountree, Mary Rowland, Tara Rowland-Mills, Eric Schilling, Devin Schwabe, Amy Sconyers, Lindsey Sconyers (AP), J Alisa Scott, Keila Scott, Michelle Scott, Raymond Scott, Megan Scruggs, Megan Seamands, Tyron Sellers, Adelia Serralde, Bobbie Sherrod, Nicole Sherrod, Courtney Sikes, Lindy Sikes, Rachael Sikes, Megan Simmons, Russell Simmons, James M Singletary, Jodi Singletary (AP), Annie Smith, Dwight Smith, Jessica Smith, Polly Smith, Alison Smoyer, Meagan Stapleton, Susan Stephenson, Hannah Stewart, Amber Sweet, Tiffany Strickland, Sheena Swanner, James Tanner, Amanda Taylor, Lisa Taylor, Molly Thomas, Tina A Thompson, Kelli Torpy, Patrice Toulson, Joan Turner, Denene Washington-Favors, Cortney Wallace, Alexandria Walden, Dena Walden, Soukeyna Walker, Jennifer Ware, Danyelle Warren, Amy Way, Cassie Way, Erin Way, Mallory Wheeler, Victoria Wheeler, Whitney Wheeler, Vanessa Wilkes, Annie Williams, Berine Williams, Heather Williams, Jordanna Williams, Zakia Williams, Shaakira Williams, Holly Williamson, Anna Kate Willoughby, Brianna Wilson, Frances Wimberly, Kristy Wimberly, Quintaya Womble, April Woods (AP), Annette Worthen, Robert Yarbrough, Angela Young (AP), Teresa Zipperer (40%)
Certified resignations
Andrade, Erica Teacher SPS 5/29/2024; Brobst, Angelica Teacher SES 5/29/2024; Cannady, Anita Teacher SHS 5/29/2024; Favors, Ayah Teacher SHS 5/29/2024
King, Mia Teacher SPS 5/29/2024; Mobley, Jana Teacher ECI 5/29/2024; Radford, Hudson Teacher SPS 5/29/2024; Roemer, Tammy Teacher SMS 5/29/2024; Tarancon, Omar Teacher SES 5/29/2024
Retired, certified:
Bowen, Susanne Teacher TCE 5/29/2024; Brown, Kimberly Teacher Pre-K 5/29/2024; Carlyle, Melissa Teacher ECI 5/29/2024; Gray, Tammy Public Relations Specialist Central Office 6/30/2024; Greenway, Gail Director of Federal Funding Central Office 5/1/2024; Hatcher, Teresa Teacher TCE 5/29/2024; Johnson, Leslie Teacher ECI 5/29/2024; Mercer, Tracey Instructional Data Coach ECI 6/5/2024; Rountree, Sonya Teacher TCE 5/29/2024; Stewart, Chawny Teacher SPS 5/29/2024; Street, Gwendolyn Teacher ECI 5/29/2024; Triplett, Stephanie Teacher Pre-K 5/29/2024
13 Watkins, Stephanie Teacher Pre-K 5/29/2024
Recommended, classified:
Farcas, Kendra Parapro SPS 2/20/2024 NCIC Incomplete; Oquinn, Melinda Parapro SPS 2/15/2024 NCIC Complete
Resignations, classified:
Dickens, Alexis Parapro SPS 5/29/2024; Hadaway, Elisama Parapro SPS 5/29/2024; Scott, Deborah Parapro TCE 5/29/2024
Retirements, classified:
Skipper, Barbara Caregiver EHS 5/29/2024; Seamans, Robert Bus Driver Transportation 2/28/2024; Stone, Cummy Paraprofessional G-NETS 5/29/2024; Williams, Gwendolyn Parapro SMS