Beta Beta begins a new year


The Beta Beta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma began its 2023-2024 year on Monday, September 25, at the Fulford Learning Center at East Georgia State College. The hostesses for the evening chose a fall football theme, and in keeping with that theme, Terry Sweat gave an inspiring devotional reminding members that God has a plan for each of their lives. The chapter welcomed the new members who had been inducted last spring to the meeting.

After a delicious meal provided by the Food Service of EGSC, the group divided into its working committees to plan programs, activities, and events for this year.

Beta Beta provides books for each of the Health Departments in each county represented by the membership. The local organization is comprised of key women educators from Emanuel, Candler, Treutlen, and Johnson Counties. Goody bags are also distributed to new teachers in each county after the winter holidays. A spring bakeless bake sale fundraiser provides funds for the annual scholarship awarded to a worthy recipient who is pursuing a degree in education.