BCRWBA, Inc. holds annual banquet


The Brier Creek Revolutionary War Battlefield Association, Inc. held its annual banquet Friday night, March 1, at the Forest Heights Country Club in Statesboro. With President Stephen Hammond presiding, they had 51 in attendance. After President Hammond called the meeting to order, Commander Steve Burke of the Brier Creek Militia Color Guard presented the Colors. After the Pledge of Allegiance was given, Commander Steve gave the order to post the Colors. President Stephen welcomed everyone, then called on the Rev. William N. Floyd, Jr., Senior Vice President of the GASSAR, and Helen Robertson Powell, First Vice Regent Georgia Society NSDAR, to both bring greetings. The blessing was then given by Bernard Martin, Sr., Chaplain of Brier Creek Chapter GASSAR. After the meal, President Stephen held the annual meeting of the BCRWBA, Inc. The introduction of the speaker, Larry Stephens, was done by the East Fall Line Regional Vice President Dess Smith. Larry's presentation was on "General John Ashe: Scapegoat or Scoundrel". After the Colors were retrieved, Chaplain Bernard Martin, Sr. said