245th Anniversary Celebration held at Brier Creek Battlefield


The Brier Creek, Wiregrass and Mill Creek Chapters of the Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held the 245th Anniversary Brier Creek Battlefield Celebration on Saturday morning, March 2, 2024. With the Master of Ceremonies Tommy Christopher presiding, they had over 150 attendees. After the invocation, Commander Bill Palmer gave the command to present the Colors. The Pledge of Allegiance was done, and the National Anthem was sung. MC Tommy then recognized the honored guests and called on William N. Floyd, Jr., Senior Vice President GASSAR, and Helen Robertson Powell, First Vice Regent Georgia State Society NSDAR, to bring greetings. Then the East Fall Line Region Vice President Dess D. Smith III introduced the speaker, Compatriot Dan McMichael, as President George Washington. Compatriot Dan spoke on "Reflections of My Southern Tour, 1791". MC Tommy then called on Betsy Sternau, Descendent of General Samuel Elbert, to dedicate the flagpole by raising the 13-star Betsy Ross Flag with assistance of Compatriots Steve Burke, Lee Herron, Bernard Martin, Sr. and Don Bazemore. MC Tommy then called out the names of the "wreath presenters" and there were 50 wreaths presented. After the three-round volleys by the five cannons of the Brier Creek Artillery and the Brier Creek Militia's flintlocks, taps were played by Compatriot Don Bazemore on his bugle. Color Guard Commander Bill Palmer then gave the command to retire the Colors. The benediction was given by the Brier Creek Chapter Chaplain Bernard Martin, Sr. Next year's 246th Anniversary Celebration will be held on March 8, 2025.