Veterans discuss Wreaths Across America


The Veterans at the Library held their weekly meeting at the Franklin Memorial Library Monday, December 2, at 9 a.m. With Chair Johnny Tapley presiding, they had 40 in attendance. Emanuel County 4-H Lauren Sapp furnished breakfast consisting of sausage biscuits and grits. Shari Watt provided orange juice, grape juice, apple juice, cranberry juice and coffee. After the prayer by Veteran Emory Fennell, they enjoyed a great breakfast. Chair Johnny then talked about the "Wreaths Across America" event that will take place on December 14, at 11 a.m. at the Swainsboro City Cemetery. They will be placing the U.S. Flags on Veteran's graves at the Swainsboro City Cemetery on November 30, at 9 a.m. If you would like to purchase a wreath for your veteran in any cemetery, please call the library and ask for Shari Watt. Veteran Emory Fennell closed out with a prayer.

Lauren and her mother will be starting a soup kitchen during the holidays for the homeless and the needy. Also, Daniel Sapp and his wife and daughter, Lauren, will be providing food items for the Veterans at the Veteran's Hospital. If you would like to donate to the Veterans at the Veteran's Hospital in Dublin, please take them by the library. The library will have deposit boxes at the library next week.