The same Jesus



Many songs have been sung and prayers have been prayed about how wonderful Jesus is. He is celebrated as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. It is good to remember that when things don't go as planned, He is still the same Jesus. Hebrews 13:8 confirms this for it is written, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever."

At a grave site one day many learned about this same Jesus. In John 11 a friend of Jesus called Lazarus died. Yes, Jesus was sorrowful and felt grief because of Lazarus’s sisters and their sadness. He was grieved also because of the unbelief of the people. He was the same Jesus that cast out demons. His divine nature didn't change as he healed the lepers. He has called the dead back to life before and they lived again. His power was still effective and had not diminished. However, they could not conceive the idea that He was able to bring back Lazarus. He showed himself to be mighty and He was indeed the same Jesus.  He spoke to buried Lazarus who was wrapped with burial clothing. He called him by his name and all life came back into his body.

If He spoke to that dead situation, surely the same Jesus can still speak. Whatever is dead in your life and need to be resurrected, call on that same Jesus and watch him miraculously work it out for you. Maybe someone is experiencing sickness, troubles, death, financial problems or other uncertainties, Jesus is the same.

Jesus was at a large church meeting one day and it lasted for a long time. The people were hunger and the only food available was a two-piece fish snack. He did not want to send the people away hunger. Therefore, He sat them down and prayed over what was available. A snack multiplied into a meal that fed over 5000 men along with the women and children. There was a lack, but that same Jesus turned lack into plenty. He can do the same in your lack, in your deficiencies, and when you are at your lowest point.  He is able to make nothing become something. All is more in the master's hands.

Just remember, He is the same Jesus in the good times and the bad times. He is the same Jesus in the happy times and the sad times. The circumstances do not change Jesus, He changes the circumstances. Why? Because, He is the same Jesus.