Singletary speaks to Veterans


The Veterans at the Library held their weekly meeting at the Franklin Memorial Library on Monday, November 4, at 9 a.m. With Chair Johnny Tapley presiding, they had 49 in attendance. After the prayer by Veteran Emory Fennell, Emanuel County Commissioner Jim Sherrod introduced the speaker, Emanuel County Commission Administrator Guy Singletary. Guy talked about what the County was involved in since Hurricane Helena, the many projects that are in the works and what's in store for the county in the near future. One of the many items is the building of a swimming pool at the recreation center. Also, the increase of activities at the recreation department that include senior citizens. Under construction is the new County Office building on West Moring Street and the renovation of the John C. Coleman Hotel that will provide office space for the county. The UDC fed breakfast which included breakfast casserole, grits, cut up fruit, and pastries. Shari Watt provided orange juice, grape juice, apple juice, cranberry juice and coffee. Also, Veteran Terry Reynolds is in charge of the upcoming 13th Annual Sportsman's Banquet and Auction that will be held at Beaver Creek Plantation, 3698 Hwy. 80 East, Twin City, GA 30471 on Thursday night, November 21, 2024, at 5 p.m. Advance tickets are required and can be obtained by contacting Terry Reynolds at 478-494-3758, Richard Driggers at 912-290-1108, Nick Kraus at 912-687-6781 or Kurt Anderson at 678-614-0593. This event will include social time, prime rib meal, with silent and live auction items. All the proceeds go directly to the local Wounded Warriors group which is a Georgia Non-profit 501 C3 organization that gives opportunity to Wounded Veterans and their family to enjoy the great outdoors.