Oh, To be Thankful


Well, are you excited? I am because God has allowed us to enter another Thanksgiving Season. Oh to be thankful to the forefathers for setting aside a day to recognize God and give him thanks.

While it's not easy for all of us because of losing loved ones and friends, we will still be grateful. Because this is the season we share with friends and loved ones it will be different and difficult but we will yet praise God.

You might say, "what is there to be thankful for"?

Now just let me share a little of why I am thankful.

I am grateful that the Lord spared my life. I am thankful that he has forgiven my sins and restored me into right relationship with Him. Not only that but he woke me up this morning still in my right mind. The blood is still running warm in my veins and I have activity and use of my limbs.

Oh, to be thankful! I am able to dress myself and cook food to eat. I am able to drive myself around. And also with driving, I am able to buy gas. I have food to eat and clothes to wear. I could go on but there is no enough time and space to share, just know that God is my everything. This is just the beginning of the beginning of things for me to be grateful.

Do you have a list? Sherrie would sing at church, " Count your blessings, name them one by one, then you will see what the Lord has done."

Oh, to be thankful! Oh, to praise his name.

Yes, it is always time to be thankful for the word of God tells us, " In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thessalonians 5:18. Oh, to be Thankful, Oh, to praise the Lord!