Oak Chapel to hold Homecoming


The first Sunday in November is always a special time for Oak Chapel Baptist Church. It’s time for the annual homecoming service. This homecoming will be something to celebrate as we gather to give thanks for the restoration and updating of the sanctuary and old social hall as well as for protection during the recent hurricane. Homecoming activities will begin on Sunday, Nov. 3, at 10:00 with King’s Cross Quartet bringing a program of special music. Following the welcome and brief history of Oak Chapel, Brother Jim Harrell, pastor of Nunez Baptist Church, will bring the homecoming message. Following the morning message, King’s Cross will close out the service, and a covered dish luncheon will be served in the church social hall.

Pastor Harrell and his wife, Tammy, live in Twin City, with their daughter Zoie. They also have a son and daughter-in-law, Russ and Destiny Harrell, and granddaughter Sarah Pate. A graduate of Swainsboro High School, East Georgia State College and of Georgia Southern College, Jim is Senior Vice President of the Citizens Bank of Swainsboro, where he has been employed for the last 26 years. He has served as pastor of Nunez Baptist Church since July of 2015.The special music will be brought by King’s Cross Quartet, a popular Southern Gospel group featuring local tenor vocalist, Kendall Hadden.

Pastor Tommy Henry invites everyone to join in the homecoming service and stay for the luncheon.