

Notice is hereby given that the city of Swainsboro has levied upon the  following  property of Vernell Moore to satisfy city taxes owing to the said city for the year(s) of: 2017, 2018, & 2019 in the initial tax amount a $1,154.98 Amount could include additional cost and interest. This can only be calculated when tax is satisfied. All that lot or parcel of land and the improvements thereon lying, situate, and being in the City of Swainsboro, 53rd G.M. District of Emanuel County, Georgia, fronting Fifty (50) feet on Charles Street, also known as New Street, and extending back between parallel lines along Flanders Street a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet, and bounded as follows: North by lot of Doris Vining; East by Flanders Street; South by Charles Street, also known as New Street; and West by lot of Mary and Anthony Demarco. 

Said property being the same property conveyed to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vining by Warranty Deed dated December 20, 1971 and recorded in Deed Book FV, Page 26, Emanuel County Clerk’s Records.

Said property being the same property conveyed to Lee Jones, Jr. by Warranty Deed dated /slay 29, 2001 and recorded in Deed Book 160, Page 547, Emanuel County Clerk's Records. (S23 079)


Said property will be sold before the courthouse doors in Emanuel County. Georgia on the first Tuesday in September 08, 2020, between the legal hours of sale in order to satisfy said tax this 8th day of September 2020. Tax Officer, City of Swainsboro