Mr. William Pat Evans of Waynesville and Ms. Joy Brooker Evans of Nahunta are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Brooke Michelle Evans, to George William Don-aldson, III. Mr. Donaldson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Donaldson of Swainsboro.
The bride-elect is a 2021 honor graduate of Brantley County High School and a current nurs-ing student at College of Coastal Georgia where she will graduate this May with her BSN, RN. Miss Evans is the granddaughter of the late Mr. Freddie and Mrs. Libby Brooker of Na-hunta and the late Mr. Walter and Mrs. Linda Evans of Waynesville.
The future groom is a 2020 honor graduate of Swainsboro High School and a 2024 Magna Cum Laude graduate of The University of Georgia where he received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in management. He is currently working in Brunswick with Morn-ingstar Children and Family Services as a quality control manager. Mr. Donaldson is the grandson of Mr. Ennis and Mrs. Lei Bragg of Swainsboro and Mr. William and Mrs. Carol Donaldson of Metter.
The wedding is set for June 28, 2025, in Brunswick.