McLeod-Moring Camp #1386 Sons of Confederate Veterans Recognize Members


At its monthly meeting held on May 18, 2023 held at the New China Restaurant, Commander Daryl Hill presented several awards to members.  Nick Kraus was recognized for outstanding service as the Camp’s Adjutant.  Mr. Kraus has served as the Camp’s Adjutant for many years; he also performs the duties of Treasurer and Quartermaster.  Ricky Winfrey was recognized for his work in locating Cemeteries and flagging graves of Confederate soldiers throughout the County. Craig Warren was also recognized for his participation in Camp activities.  Landon Johnson was appointed Sergeant at Arms for the Camp.  Ricky Winfrey later presented a program on the skirmish that took place in neighboring Jefferson County during the War of Northern Aggression (Confederate victory).  Men aged 12 and up can join the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  The McLeod Moring Camp has a Historian who can help with finding your ancestor who served during the War of Northern Aggression.  For more information on joining, you may contact Commander Daryl Hill at