Let the Wind Blow on You


This is March, the month known for the strong winds. As I lay in bed I can hear the wind blowing against the windows. March is predicted by the strength of the wind. It is noted that if it comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion. If it comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb. This is in reference to the strength of the wind in the month of March.

After it rains in the countryside where I live, I am always waiting for a strong wind to come and dry the roads. When the wind blows, it dries up the water so they will not be muddy for easy travel. Yes, while the wind can be destructive, it can also be our friend.

There are many scripture references of the wind in a positive way. I remember our dad preaching a sermon with the subject, " Let the Wind Blow on You." In Ezekiel chapter thirty-seven, there was a valley of dry brittle bones. Now you know we throw away bones, especially after the substance is out of them. But I'm this case the Lord asked the prophet, " Can these bones live?" He answered, "Lord, you know." The Lord then told him to prophesy or speak to the wind (now we know that the wind only makes things drier). The prophet obeyed God and called for the wind. The wind obeyed and blew up on the bones. Life then came back into the bones. They connected back together. Muscle, ligaments, and skin came back on the dry brittle bones.

After they connected back together, they stood up a "mighty army". These bones represented the House of Israel. They also represent the church today. The wind represents God's anointing and The Holy Spirit. (Read Acts chapter two when the wind came on the day of Pentecost. The bible describes it as a rushing mighty wind.

So today, let the Wind of God blow on you. It doesn't matter how dry, brittle, and hard your life has been, God wants to blow his mighty wind on you. He wants to fill you with his Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13) Although you might think there is no hope for situations in your life, I am here to encourage you to speak to the wind of God and ask him to blow his wind on you. There is nothing too hard for God. Yes, you too can get through those obstacles in your life. He restored the dry bones. He will restore you. He does not throw us away. Just let the Wind of God blow on you.