The Fall Line Chapter held their monthly meeting, Tuesday night, November 12, 2024, at the WC Chamber of Commerce in Sandersville at 7 p.m. With President Sandy Mercer presiding, they had 12 in attendance. After the Pledge to the U.S. Flag and the SAR Pledge, President Sandy asked dual member Dess Smith III to introduce our speaker for the evening, Compatriot Randy Jones, President of the Mill Creek Chapter in Statesboro. Jones’ topic was on the "Iroquois Constitution". In attendance at the meeting was the Georgia Society President, Ed Rigel, who talked about the status of the State Society. Also, President Sandy asked Compatriot Ken Lindsey for his report from the nominating committee. Lindsey was happy to say that all 2024 officers had decided to stay in their current positions for 2025. President Sandy then discussed with the Chapter their involvement in this year’s "Wreaths Across America" to be held on December 14, 2024. The next meeting will be held on January 14, 2025.