The following persons have been booked into Emanuel County Jail, according to Emanuel County Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer, on warrants obtained by one of several local law enforcement agencies, designated by each name: Drug Task Force (DTF); Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI); Georgia Department of Pardons and Parole (GAPP); Georgia State Patrol (GSP); Emanuel County Sheriff’s Office (ECSO); Swainsboro Police Dept. (SPD); Stillmore Police Dept. (SMPD); Twin City Police Department (TCPD); Garfield Police Dept. (GPD); Adrian Police Dept. (APD); Child Support Recovery Unit (CSRU); Intensive Probation Service (IPS); Probation Office (PROB); or East Georgia State College (EGSC).
Wail Fahd Alshaedi, 41, arrested 12/20/24; Purchase, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of marijuana – felony; ECSO
Arshane Stevenson Austin, 37, arrested 12/21/24; Criminal trespass; SPD
Maranda Kay Brantley, 33, arrested 12/16/24; Probation violation (x2) – Felony; ECHOLS CO. SO
Brandon Tremaine Brown, 39, arrested 12/16/24; Probation revocation; ECSO
Dustin Clay Collins, 29, arrested 12/20/24; Disorderly conduct; SPD
Tyson Ni’Jarien Corley, 19, arrested 12/20/24; Fleeing or attempting to elude officer/Reckless driving; TCPD
Javarius Mashon Davis, 29, arrested 12/21/24; Battery (x2)/Bench warrant (x2) – felony/Probation violation – felony/Criminal trespass; SPD
Andrew Rhett Edgy, 48, arrested 12/16/24; CPO; ECSO
John Thomas Gillis, 40, arrested 12/21/24; Hold for Treutlen Co.; SPD
Armando Hernandez, 32, arrested 12/17/24; Simple battery/Theft by shoplifting/Obstruction of law enforcement officers; OPPD
Alex Blain Johnson, 20, arrested 12/22/24; Simple assault/Disorderly conduct/Discharge of firearms on or near public highway or street/Possession of firearm or knife during commission of or attempt to commit certain felonies/Discharge of firearms on property of another/Criminal trespass; ECSO
Crystal Lynn Lumley, 41, arrested 12/22/24; Theft by taking – felony; OPPD
Christopher Darrell Mabli, 51, arrested 12/16/24; Driving while license suspended/revoked/Cancelled tag; ECSO
Angel Lasybil Miles, 39, arrested 12/20/24; Disorderly conduct; ECSO
Buddy Wayne Murphy, 65, arrested 12/21/24; SPD
Rodney Patterson, arrested 12/20/24; ECSO
James Larry Sapp, 39, arrested 12/17/24; Bench warrant/Battery; TCMC
Renea Ann Venson, 32, arrested 12/20/24; Cruelty to children (x2) – felony/misd; ECSO
Guy Keene Waters, 56, arrested 12/17/24; Bond revocation; ECSO
Hermenegildo Lopez Xochicale, 30, arrested 12/19/24; DUI refusal/Driving while unlicensed/Improper stopping/parking in roadway; ECSO