JAIL: 1.10.24


The following persons have been booked into Emanuel County Jail, according to Emanuel County Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer, on warrants obtained by one of several local law enforcement agencies, designated by each name: Drug Task Force (DTF); Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI); Georgia Department of Pardons and Parole (GAPP); Georgia State Patrol (GSP); Emanuel County Sheriff’s Office (ECSO); Swainsboro Police Dept. (SPD); Stillmore Police Dept. (SMPD); Twin City Police Department (TCPD); Garfield Police Dept. (GPD); Adrian Police Dept. (APD); Child Support Recovery Unit (CSRU); Intensive Probation Service (IPS); Probation Office (PROB); or East Georgia State College (EGSC).

Ansley Lynn Dasher, 29, entered 1/3/24; Probation violation; ECSO

Elizabeth Lenor Davis, 20, entered 1/5/24; Driving while license suspended/revoked; SPD

Elizabeth Lenor Davis, 20, entered 1/7/24; Driving while license suspended/revoked/DUI less safe/Failure to maintain lane/Failure to comply/Improper stopping in roadway; SPD

Louis Edward Davis, 52, entered 1/3/24; Sentenced to State; ECSO

Justin Mark Driggers, 33, entered 1/2/24; Probation violation/Probation violation; ECSO

Nina Davis Fields, 52, ent4ered 1/4/24; Possession of meth; ECSO

Pamela Martha Findlay, 78, entered 1/6/24; DUI refusal; ECSO

Paul Gilmore, 45, entered 1/4/24; Criminal trespass; EGSC

Tyson Lynn Hackett, 52, entered 1/5/24; DUI less safe/Open container; GSP

Ben Mark Henry, 69, entered 1/5/24; DUI less safe; GSP

Larry Davonte Huff, 29, entered 1/3/24; DUI less safe/Failure to maintain lane; ECSO

Shown Lekeith Johnson, 29, entered 1/6/24; Bench warrant/Driving while license suspended/revoked/Speeding/Hold for probation; ECSO

Norman Bernard Parrish, 56, entered 1/5/24; Sentenced to State; ECSO

Richard Anthony Poole, 36, entered 1/5/24; Child molestation/Possession of firearm by convicted felon/Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute/Possession of schedule I controlled substance; ECSO

Michael Carl Reid, 43, entered 1/5/24; Obstruction of law enforcement officers; GSP

Billy Ricks, 65, entered 1/4/24; Theft by shoplifting; SPD

George Luis Rodriguez, 32, entered 1/4/24; Criminal damage to property/Criminal damage to property/Entering automobile with intent to commit theft or felony/Entering automobile with intent to commit theft or felony/Entering automobile with intent to commit theft or felony/Burglary/Battery; SPD

Denny Albert Scott, 51, entered 1/3/24; Probation violation; ECSO

Michael Anthony Scott, 53, entered 1/5/24; Failure to stop at stop sign/DUI less safe/Failure to maintain lane/Passing in a no passing zone/Driving while license suspended/revoked/Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer/Possession of schedule I controlled substance/Bench warrant -felony/Probation violation; GSP

Keyundre Markevious Smith, 26, entered 1/5/24; Parole violation; ECSO

Nikki Lynn Stevens, 39, entered 1/8/24; Probation violation/Hold for Candler Co.; ECSO

Nicholas Ivey Tanner, 38, entered 1/7/24; Driving while license suspended/revoked/Seatbelt violation; GSP

Brandon Marquise Tippins, 37, entered 1/3/24; Bench warrant/Probation violation; ECSO

Joel Isaac Walker, 24, entered 1/3/24; Court form another agency; ECSO

Justin Tyler White, 34, entered 1/7/24; Battery; ECSO