Howard speaks to Brier Creek


The Brier Creek Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting Thursday night, June 6, at Walls Diner at 6:30 p.m. With President Wayne Howard presiding, they had 16 in attendance. After the invocation by dual member Emory Fennell, he led the Pledge to the U.S. Flag and the Pledge to the SAR. President Wayne then called on dual member John Derden for a report on the outstanding progress that is being made at the Brier Creek Battlefield by the Brier Creek Revolutionary War Battlefield Association, Inc. President Wayne then called on Registrar Lee Herrin for a report on the new "Brier Creek Battlefield challenge coin" that is being sold for $20 that will be used to help support the pro-jects at the Battlefield. President Wayne then introduced his wife Laura, who presented her program "Women's Contributions to our Military and Country". Her presentation covered women in the military from the American Revolution through today. There will not be a meeting in July because of July 4 falling on that Thursday. The next meeting will be August 1, with SAR member John Derden presenting his program on "General John Ash" command-er of the American forces at the Battle of Brier Creek, March 3, 1779.