Holy Zion Church of Metter will have their 47th Church Anniversary January 16, 17 and 19, at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Thursday night, January 16, guest speaker will be Bishop Larry MacMiller with Bible Time, Jones Temple Pentecostal, Living Way, St. Matthews, Sams Creek, Holy Zion Church of Statesboro, William Grove, Holiness Temple of Grace, Triumph of Praise, High Point, William Chapter, St. Luke, Holy Zion Church of Twin City and Mt. Zion as guest churches.
Friday night, January 17, guest speaker will be Pastor Pearl Stine Veiopers with Foundation Spring, Ada Grove, Briston Rock, St. John House of God, House of Hope and Johnson Chapter guest churches.
Sunday, January 19, guest speaker will be Pastor Dunlap with Mt. Gilead, Garden Grove and Mercer Grove guest churches.
Pastor Johnny Ray Jones invites everyone to attend.