The Emanuel County Historic Society will host its Open House Sunday, February 9, from 1 to 4 p.m. This is the usual winter open house in conjunction with Georgia Day and the Georgia Historical Society. They have had some damage to roofs due to Hurricane Helene but will be working that day to clean up some, so go on out.
The photo shows a shiny, not quite white building. The County has given it a new paint cov-er! It is so clean looking now. They are continuing to move items into the new ag barn and if you want to help there, they’d love to have you. Nothing strenuous but do wear “work clothes”.
They will also have a workday Saturday, February 1, beginning at 9 a.m. in the ag barn. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting on April 24, at the museum at 7 p.m. For any infor-mation, please call 478-763-3631.