The Brier Creek Chapter held its monthly meeting Thursday night, January 2, at Walls Diner at 6:30 p.m. With President Wayne Howard presiding, they had 11 in attendance. The Georgia Society Senior Vice President Bill Floyd, Jr. was in attendance to install the Brier Creek Chapter's 2025 President and Officers. Those officers for 2025 are: Lee Smith, Vice President; Adam Bazemore, Secretary/Treasurer; Don Bazemore, Sgt-at-Arms; Bernard Martin, Sr., Chaplain; Dess Smith III, Editor; Lee Herron, Webmaster, Registrar and Genealogist; and John Fitzner, Historian. After installing the officers, Senior VP Bill installed Lee Herron as the Brier Creek Chapter President. Herron talked to about his plans for the Chapter during the coming year and his main focus would be on new membership. His first act was to award Past President Wayne Howard with the "Distinguished Service Certificate" for being the Chapter President for four years. The next meeting will be on February 6, and the program presenter will be Ranson Schwerzler on George Waltons Meadow Gardens.