My life has been and continues to be blessed in so many ways that an entire newspaper could be filled. This statement usually starts with “I do not know where to begin, but I do know where to start. I was born and raised in the beloved small Georgia town of Swainsboro to not only a loving and caring family, but town folks who gave me a special spot in their hearts. They knew my ancestry, and if I got into trouble my mother knew about it before I got home. I walked up Church Street to the First Methodist Church for Sunday School and stayed for morning worship with my mother and father. I loved to stand by my father as we left, because he knew and shook hands with everyone. In our most formative teen years, our class met in a small room just outside the sanctuary. Our teacher was Mrs. Mae Vann, who gave us a faith that lasted for a lifetime. From the scriptures she read to us, we learned these words of Jesus and repeated before leaving the class: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “What you have done to the least of these, you have done unto Me.”
From the class of Mrs. Vann came two Methodist ministers, an Episcopal priest, a nurse who headed Gov. Carter’s program for women’s health, a special education teacher, and a navy admiral, and others who did unto others and for the least of these. I also am thankful for SHS teachers and Principal V.E. Glenn who taught me that discipline is not punishment but is helpful to all. I remembered his words when I taught a high school class of disabled students. Let us remember when we sit down to a bountiful dinner to give thanks to all who have touched our lives and hearts.
My favorite dish of Thanksgiving dinner is dressing. I am amazed that a collection of leftover bread can be made delicious with onions and other spices. I wish I knew exactly what my grandmother added to make it the hit of the dinner table.
To all of Emanuel County, I wish the blessings of this special day. I am thankful to be a Georgian and to have grown up in Emanuel County. Write to Shirley at