Find census help at local library


Have you filled out the census yet? For many people who received a census form in the mail, it was a quick and easy process to fill out and return. However, some individuals might not have received a mailer, or maybe some individuals misplaced theirs. No matter the case, Franklin Memorial Library is ready to help anyone still needing to complete their 2020 Census.

The library has delegated a computer for census users and encourages all interested parties to make an appointment. Assistance with typing will be provided if needed.

Another option for census completion (in English) is offered by phone. To utilize this option, call 844-330-2020.

Though short and easy, the census is vitally important. It does not ask for sensitive information such as your Social Security number, financial information, or political party affiliation. The information from the census counts the number of people living in areas in order to allocate resources accordingly. Information from the census will determine how much money is given to the local area to support the library, firefighters, school lunches, road maintenance, and more.

"I think it is imperative that every citizen fills out the census report because the funding for our county is based on the numbers that come from the census reports," said David Morgan, board chairman for the Emanuel County public library.

As recipients of government funding, the library invites all to participate in shaping the future by completing the census today.