The Emanuel County Board of Education met on Tuesday, January 14, at 5 p.m. at Twin City Elementary for the swearing in of John Allen Bailey, Del Brown and Brandon Jones for their new Board of Education terms by Probate Judge Chase Sherrod. The monthly regular meeting then started at 5:30 p.m. with the following members in attendance: Brandon Jones, Del Brown, John Allen Bailey, Tanya Lane, Elizabeth DeVane and Jeanette Harden. Cherie Hooks was not in attendance. Superintendent Dr. Denise Warnock welcomed everyone calling the meeting to order and Facilitated the Election of the Board Chair.
John Allen Bailey nominated Del Brown as the Board Chair. Del Brown gave his consent to the nomination. There were no other nominations. John Allen Bailey made a motion for nominations to be closed and to accept the results of the vote. Brandon Jones seconded the motion. Elizabeth DeVane, Jeanette Harden, John Allen Bailey, Brandon Jones and Tanya Lane voted “yes”. CARRIED. Superintendent Dr. Denise Warnock announces the Board Chair as Del Brown and his term will expire in December 2026. Board Chair Del Brown Facilitated the Election of the Vice Chair. Tanya Lane nominated John Allen Bailey as the Vice Chair. John Allen Bailey gave his consent to the nomination. There were no other nominations. Tanya Lane made a motion for nominations to be closed and to accept the results of the vote. Elizabeth DeVane seconded the motion. Elizabeth DeVane, Jeanette Harden, Del Brown, Brandon Jones and Tanya Lane voted “yes”. CARRIED. Del Brown announces the Vice Chair as John Allen Bailey and his term will expire in December 2026. Board Chair Del Brown welcomed everyone and congratulated the new board members calling the meeting to order. Brandon Jones delivered the invocation followed by John Allen Bailey leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Brandon Jones made a motion to approve the agenda. John Allen Bailey seconded the motion. Del Brown, Tanya Lane, Brandon Jones, John Allen Bailey, Jeanette Harden and Elizabeth DeVane voted “yes”. CARRIED.
Dr. Warnock welcomed everyone and thanked them for their time.
a. Acknowledgement of Appreciation for NSBA School Board Appreciation Month-Dr. Denise Warnock b. Emanuel County Schools Governors Honors Awards
c. Emanuel County Schools US Senate Youth Awards-Tammy Gray
d. Emanuel County Institute Jr. Beta Awards-Tammy Gray
Twin City Elementary Jr. Beta Awards-Tammy Gray
i. Twin City Jr Beta Performance prior to awards
e. Recognition of Twin City Elementary as a Title I School of Distinction and Title I Promise School-Dr. Denise Warnock
f. Twin City Elementary Presentation-Jessica Collins, Christie Henry
g. Annual GSBA Resolution Code of Ethics for School Board-Dr. Denise Warnock
The Consent Agenda was presented and approved as follows:
a. Approval of Minutes of the December 10, 2024, Regular Board Meeting.
b. Approval of Financial Reports – Mollie Smith
c. Approval of Retainer for Board Attorney-Jerry N. Cadle
d. Approval of Capital Outlay Architectural Contract- Swainsboro High School Re-Roof-Jansen Ware e. Approval of Bus Purchase Recommendation-Rusty Kea
i. 14 Passenger Micro Bird 2025 Ford Chassis Multi-Functional School Activity Bus ii. 2025 Blue Bird Vision BBCV 3303 Gasoline Bus
f. Approval of Spring Fundraisers-Dr. Denise Warnock
i. Fundraisers will be sent to the school Administrators with modifications and approvals. Staff will need to contact their School Administrator with any questions.
g. Approval of HB 581 Legislation Decision- Dr. Denise Warnock
The Board approved the Renewal, employment, retired, retirement and resignations of the following certified and classified employees:
Harper, Benjamin - Head Football Coach - ECI - 01/06/2025 - NCIC Completed
Jones, Kilwanna - Caregiver - EHS - 01/6/2025 - NCIC Completed
Smith, Mollie - Executive Director of Finance - CO - 5/31/2025
Hartley, Sierra - Caregiver - EHS - 12/18/2024; Wadley, Allisyn - Paraprofessional - Pre-K - 1/17/2025
Phillips, Sylvia - Bus Driver - Transportation - 2/1/2025
Hagins, Shontae - Custodian - SPS - 11/29/2024