According to the Emanuel County Sheriff’s Office…
January 17
Deputy was asked to follow-up on a theft that took place the week prior. Complainant ad-vised he had a painting crew painting his residence on 1/17, and he did not realize his Ap-ple AirPods were missing until he got an alert that his AirPods were in Twin City. C/p was able to ping near offender’s residence and gave deputy the address. Deputy, being familiar with offender, went to Mathis Ave. and made contact with offender’s girlfriend and advised her of the incident and asked her to retrieve the AirPods, at which time she did. Offender re-fused to speak with deputy.
January 20
911 dispatched a call to Wilson Rd. in reference to a domestic dispute. Victim stated her hus-band/offender started an argument over her cellphone and snatched it from her and threat-ened to break it. Victim stated she reached for the phone and offender grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall then slapped her in the face. Victim stated offender then left the residence. Victim also stated she believes offender did something to her brakes because she took it to a mechanic and was told the brake line had been cut.
Deputies were dispatched to Glenwood Rd. twice within a two-hour period in reference to complainant stated people were looking through her closed blinds, people could hear her talking while she was inside, and that she could hear leaves rubbing together. C/p advised this has been a problem for some time and asked what she could do to defend herself. Depu-ty spoke with an SPD officer who advised he was sitting in the roadway prior to arrival on the first call and observed no one in c/p’s yard. Deputy spoke with c/p’s daughter and asked if c/p was supposed be taking any medications and she advised her mother is pre-scribed Adderall but did not know her mother to use drugs and had no mental issues that she was aware of. Deputies knocked on the door and announced themselves, but c/p re-fused to open the door. C/p’s daughter advised c/p was ok.
Deputies were dispatched to Overstreet Rd. in reference to a domestic dispute. Complainant stated her son/offender had been at her residence since the previous night and the two were in a verbal altercation that turned physical when offender headbutted c/p in the face. C/p stated the following morning, the two started arguing again and c/p threw tea in offender’s face and offender threw everything off the kitchen table, which struck c/p in the face. C/p had visible injuries to her face. C/p stated she would be seeking a TPO against offender.
January 21
Deputies were dispatched to Lindsey Rd. in reference to offender throwing trash onto com-plainant’s yard. C/p stated he previously cleaned the area and spoke with offender about not throwing trash on his property, then observed offender do it. Code Enforcement was no-tified.
Deputy was notified that Candler County Hospital had a patient with extensive swelling and bruising to the face. Nurse advised the patient was from Stillmore and stated that victim said he has been arguing with someone on Facebook about his wife and while he was at work, offender went to c/p’s workplace and proceeded to beat him by punching him in the face and stomping on his head.
January 22
Deputy took an animal complainant where complainant stated offender’s dogs went under his carport and attacked his cats. C/p advised that offender’s dogs killed one of his cats a few years ago. C/p was advised to dispatch the dogs should they return, and he would be covered under Georgia Law.
January 24
911 dispatched a call to Hwy 56 in reference to damage to a vehicle. Victim stated someone entered his vehicle through the back driver side window by breaking it out, and tore the windshield wipers off, along with the antenna.
January 25
Deputies responded to Wadley-Coleman Lake Rd. in reference to MVA. Deputies observed marks in the grass consistent with tire skid marks on the road leading across both lanes lead-ing into the woods where the vehicle hit a tree. Noone was in the vehicle and there was an open container of alcohol in the front passenger seat. Deputies ran the tag and made contact with the owner who advised he was driving when the accident happened and his son was the passenger, who had been drinking. Deputies asked why they left the scene, and the own-er advised his son was injured so he took him to Jefferson Medical for treatment. Deputies made contact with Jefferson ER and the nurse advised offender stated his friend was driving and was unharmed. Deputies then made contact with offender who stated he wanted to take the trash off, and his father said no because he had been drinking so his father agreed to drive, and they ran off the road and hit a tree. Deputy then asked about the statement made about his friend driving and offender stated he did not remember making that state-ment. After being told about observations, offender admitted to driving the vehicle. Implied consent was read for blood and refused. Deputies asked the father why he didn’t tell the truth, and he stated he just wanted to protect his son.
911 dispatched a call to Davis Rd. in reference to someone being threatened and was being shot at. Victim stated she was delivering food for DoorDash and went down Davis Rd. on her way to make the delivery and got to a point in the road that was very muddy and got stuck. C/p advised her nephew was with her and they got out to get help and approached a house that was unoccupied, then heard someone yelling at them and cursing, telling them to get off his property and he would kill them. C/p said she tried to explain to offender that her car was stuck and she was delivering DoorDash, at which time offender cursed c/p and pointed a gun at them and they took off running and heard gun shots.
January 26
Deputies responded to Norristown Baptist Church in reference to an individual trespassing. Complainant stated they discovered an individual’s belongings hidden in the closet of the church and they were placed outside, however upon returning for congregation, they discov-ered a female standing in the kitchen washing her hands, then she left. Deputies were ad-vised that the female did not have permission to be in the church and that the doors were locked prior to individuals leaving, therefore offender had forced entry into the church. Upon a search of the female’s abandoned property, suspected meth, cocaine, heroin, numerous pills and drug related objects, a computer, camera, smartphone and firearm were found. In the items discovered, numerous names appeared. A concerned citizen arrived and advised he knows the female but did not know where she went.
911 dispatched a call to Buckcorbin Rd. in reference to a suspicious vehicle traveling up and down the road and pulled into complainant’s driveway. C/p advised the vehicle had no tag with a female driving and someone in the backseat and they were acting suspicious.
Deputy conducted a traffic stop with a test-drive tag. The drivers’ info came back wanted and deputy dispatched K9 showing a positive alert. A handgun was found in the vehicle showing a damaged serial plate, as well as a small revolver inside of offender’s pocket that came back stolen out of NY.