The Emanuel County Board of Commissioners wrapped up business for 2024 with their final monthly meeting on Monday evening, December 16. Chairman Hugh Foskey called the meeting to order and welcomed visitors. Following an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, the board conducted a program of appreciation for long-serving county employees and retirees who had accumulated terms of service to Emanuel County varying from five years to as much as 35 years. A complete list of the honorees from the appreciation program can be found elsewhere in this issue of the Forest Blade. Following these presentations, the December meeting undertook regular agenda items. The minutes of the November 18,2024 meeting were presented and approved. Under old business, the vacant seat on the DFCS Board was again discussed and the need for qualified applicants was reiterated. County Administrator Guy Singletary then addressed commissioners on the first agenda item under new business. Singletary reported on the completion of the purchase of two used transport trucks which are used to transport heavy equipment throughout the county. The board had previously authorized the replacement of the two aging trucks which were cycled out of service due to mileage and substandard condition. The purchase price of the two replacement vehicles was $66,200. The board ratified the purchase by unanimous vote. In the final agenda item of new business, Commissioners agreed to an intergovernmental agreement with the cities of Nunez and Summertown which established a formal arrangement for the transfer of Fire Protection Services. This agreement ensures that fire protection in those municipalities will continue to be supported by the county. Following this, Chairman Hugh Foskey called for adjournment. Of special note, is the fact that the Chairman concluded his final meeting this evening as an Emanuel County Commissioner as the meeting’s agenda expired. Earlier in the evening, Foskey was honored with a plaque of recognition and the personal thanks of Administrator Singletary and his fellow commissioners for his long service to Emanuel County. Chairman Foskey received greetings and congratulations from well-wishers following the meeting.