Commissioners begin new year


In spite of snow, ice and obstructive weather, the Emanuel County Commissioners sailed through a full docket of agenda items at their first meeting of 2025 which was moved to Tuesday evening, January 21, 2025, in consideration of the MLK holiday. Following an invo-cation and Pledge of Allegiance, the board elected Jim Sherrod as the new Chairman and Timmy Oliver as the new Vice Chairman. The yearly designation of members to various committees was then taken up and announced as follows: Heart of Georgia Regional Com-mission-Jim Sherrod and Timmy Oliver, Joint Development Authority-Jim Sherrod, Emanuel Medical Center-Ricky Thompson, Franklin Memorial Library-John Moore, Chamber of Com-merce-Jim Sherrod, County Health Board-John Moore, Airport Authority-Timmy Oliver and Ricky Thompson, Twin City-Emanuel County Recreation Authority- Kawame Coleman and Timmy Oliver, Workforce Investment Authority-L.G. Singletary, 4H Foundation–John Moore, Emanuel County Public Facilities Authority-Jim Sherrod, Ricky Thompson, Kawame Coleman. The next agenda item was consideration of an alcohol license application from JJ Wil-liams/Swainsboro Raceway for Beer/Wine C.O.P. and liquor by the drink. Following discus-sion and verification of compliance, the license was approved without objection. Approval of meeting minutes from December 16, 2024, and a workshop meeting of January 13, 2025, was then granted, and the agenda went on to Old Business. Administrator Singletary announced that a reoccurring issue of a vacant seat on the DFCS Board had been successfully resolved with the help of modifications of the county’s website allowing for the utilization of a new process to handle on-line applications for various county appointments. As a result, three applications have been received for the vacant DFCS position. Following discussion, commis-sioners voted to appoint Carmen Tanner to the DFCS position. Singletary and County Clerk Lamb advised that this new process would be used more and more in the future for filling various county appointments. In New Business, other action of committee appointments and reappointments was undertaken including the approval of the following: Darryl Gray–Board of Assessors, Dr. Anthony Davis-County Health Board, Beth Gibson and Jennifer Harrison - Regional Commission Aging Advisory, and Will Martin and Zac Frye–Joint Development Authority. Administrator Singletary announced the retirement of Tim Garrett and Butch Frye from many years’ service to the Joint Development Authority and recognized Gloria Mason for her years of dedication and loyalty as a member of the Franklin Memorial Library Board. Also under new business, commissioners considered and approved a list of county roads submitted to the Department of Transportation for repair/resurfacing under grants (LMIG) from the state. A list of six county/regional road projects was also considered that would be funded under TIA money, and commissioners approved moving forward with an engineering bid submitted by EMC Engineering as the next step in that process. Next, com-missioners discussed possible payment methods preferred by the new county Tax Commis-sioner in the operation of that office and agreed to those selections. Finally, commissioners considered and agreed to intergovernmental agreements with the cities of Twin City and Stillmore for election services in future municipal elections. This concluded the evening’s meeting, and Chairman Sherrod called for adjournment.