The Emanuel County Board of Education met on Monday, October 16, 2023, at 5 p.m. at the Central Office for the new board member reception and swearing in ceremony of Mr. Brandon Jones. The monthly regular meeting then started at 5:30 p.m. with the following members in attendance: John Allen Bailey, Cherie Hooks, Brandon Jones, Tanya Lane, Johnny Parker and Sandra Swinney. Absent was Del Brown. Vice Chairman Johnny Parker welcomed everyone calling the meeting to order. Sandra Swinney delivered the invocation followed by Tanya Lane leading the Pledge of Allegiance. A motion was made by John Allen Bailey to accept the agenda as presented. Tanya Lane seconded. John Allen Bailey, Cherie Hooks, Brandon Jones, Tanya Lane, Johnny Parker and Sandra Swinney voted “yes”. CARRIED.
1. September Awards for F.A.M.I.L.Y., P.A.U.S.E. and S.A.S. – Ms. Tammy Gray recognized the following recipients:
September 2023 - F.A.M.I.L.Y. - Lane Cardell – 5th Grade Teacher at TCE; P.A.U.S.E. - Kason Palmer – Senior at SHS; S.A.S. - Kristie Johnson – Human Resources Specialist at the Central Office
2. A Graduation update was given by Dr. Denise Warnock.
3. Dr. Gail Greenway gave an ESSER update.
The Consent Agenda was presented as follows:
1. Minutes of the September 19 Regular Board Meeting and September 26, 2023, Called Board Meeting.
2. Financial Reports – Mollie Smith
3. Fundraisers: SHS Soccer Boys & Girls - Sell Shirts - Oct. - Dec. 2023; SHS Soccer Boys & Girls - Game Passes - Oct. - Dec. 2023; SHS Soccer Boys & Girls - Baked Goods - October 16-Nov. 2023; SHS - Jeans Day for Teachers - October 6, 20, 27
4. RESA Service Area change Resolution.
5. Approval of Emanuel County Early Head Start Policy Council By-Laws.
The Board approved the consent agenda as presented.
The Board approved the employment of the following classified employees:
Dixon, Eric - Paraprofessional - ECI - 10/16/2023 - NCIC Incomplete; Greenway, Amber - Paraprofessional - TCE - 10/17/2023 - NCIC Incomplete; Leverett, Dannah - Health/PE Paraprofessional - SES - 10/17/2023 - NCIC Incomplete; Roberts, Christopher - Maintenance Supervisor - Maintenance - 10/17/2023 - NCIC Complete
The Board approved the resignations of the following classified employees:
Jones, Carl - Bus Driver - Transportation - 9/29/2023; Rich, Harley - Paraprofessional - SPS - 9/25/2023; Sellers, Kelsey - Paraprofessional - EHS - 10/6/2023; Wilkes, Jessica - Paraprofessional - SHS - 9/29/2023
The Board approved the retirement of the following classified employee:
Hodges, Sharon - Administrative Assistant - Central Office - 1/1/2024