BOE holds last summer meeting before new school year



The Emanuel County Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 19, at 5:30 p.m. at the central office in Swainsboro. Chairman Mason Henry called the meeting to order and welcomed all prior to leading the invocation. The pledge of allegiance, led by Johnny Parker, was then recited by all. Board members then reviewed an amended agenda for the night’s session and approved it as presented. With all board members present, except Del Brown and Sandra Swinney, the following action and/or discussion was held:

Superintendent Comments

• Board members heard a school nutrition CEP update presented by Chandra Hooks, director of school nutrition.

New Business

• The revision of Policy IEDA and new Policy IKBB as well as the new regulation JRB-R(1) was tabled by board members. Further action and/or discussion will follow at a later date.

Consent Agenda

• Minutes from the June 14, 2022 regular board meeting was presented for review of the board.

• Board members heard a financial reports presentation for district operations.

• The board reviewed superintendent, professional and civic organization memberships.

• Board members entertained discussion on the surplus of property for the old Twin City Primary School.

All items listed for discussion on the night’s consent agenda was unanimously approved by board members.

Executive Session

The board then entered executive session. Upon re-entering normal session, the following action took place:

• Board members approved the certified employment of Brittany Arrington, Suzanne Hedricks, Valerie Douglas, Jacob Kimmons, William Mckee, and LaToya Nealey, teachers; and Denise Whitmer, ELA teacher. Employee location placements are as follows: Arrington, Kimmons, Mckee and Nealey, SMS; Hendricks and Whitmer, SHS; and Douglas, TCE.

• Classified employments approved by the board included Kristi Griffin, Melissa Hampton, Tara Hayslip, Julie Oglesby, Letrice Pearson, Erica Pennington and Tayler Rountree, paraprofessionals; Tracy Steele, MRSS paraprofessional; Trena Houston, parent mentor 50%; James Crews, bus driver trainer; and Linda Radford, bus driver. Employee location placements are as follows: Griffin and Pennington, SMS; Hampton, Oglesby and Pearson, SPS; Hayslip and Rountree, TCE; Steele, ECI; Crews and Radford, Transportation; and Houston, district system.

• Board members approved certified employee resignations from Hannah Alexander, PE Teacher; and Katie Collins, Shannon Cunningham, Sandra Newkirt and Clarence Taylor, teachers. Submitted resignations were made for following locations: Alexander, Cunningham, Newkirt and Taylor, SMS; and Collins, ECI.

• Classified employee resignation approved by the board included Cassandra Allen, Tracy Bell, Denise Branch, Tamakia Ford and Carolyn McNeal, paraprofessionals; and Tara Green, school nurse. Submitted resignations were made for following locations: Allen, Bell and Branch, SPS; Ford, SES; Green, SMS; and McNeal, TCE.

• The board approved certified employee transfer requests for Caleb Fields, SPED teacher; and Tyler Johnson, teacher. Approved transfers are as follows: Effective July 27, Fields will transfer his employment from SES to ECI and Johnson will transfer from SMS to ECI.

• Board members also approved classified employee transfer requests submitted by Angela Bunyon, paraprofessional; and Bryanna Riner, secretary/registrar. Approved transfers are as follows: Effective July 27, Bunyon will transfer from SPS to CTA and Riner will remain at the same campus of ECI, fulfilling a new position at that school.