A House Divided


In the bible, there is scripture in Mark 3: 20-27, that details a message that Jesus taught the disciples. I encourage you to read this for yourselves. The message was that a house divided could not stand. As I sit and meditate on what Jesus was saying, I began to see how many of us hinder ourselves in the way that Jesus has explained. Let’s think about this for a moment. First, we must understand that a house is symbolic of a person. Just as scripture, Matthew 5:14 uses metaphors of followers of Christ being “light” and being a “city.” Therefore, as Jesus was using the metaphor of a house and the life of a person, we see that any division causes this “house” or life of the person not to hold up well at all.

You may be asking; how does this apply to me? Well, let these next few words you read minister to you. Sometimes we have such an inner struggle that we don’t realize how much it is interfering with our lives. I sat to counsel a young brother in Christ one day and found this to haunt him: He had multiple opinions about himself like how he viewed himself and how he believed others viewed him and how God viewed him. Do you do the same thing? Do you believe what the scripture says about you, that “you are the light of the world”, but you believe that your life does not matter to anyone? This is just one example, but many others may apply to you. In 1 Kings 18:21, Elijah asked the people this question, “How long will you waver between two opinions?” This is what we have to conclude in our lives also. We must stop wavering between different opinions. Either you believe what God says or what your mind/others say about you. I prefer to believe what my loving Father says about me. He has told me, through scripture, that I am loved, that He has great plans for my life, that I don’t have to worry about my future because He will provide for me.

So, when doubt and worry tries to creep in, I encourage you to do this: read the scripture to see what the only opinion that matters say. I promise you that you will find direction and comfort for your house/life. Once you settle on the right opinion, you will have more peace, joy, comfort, and stability in your life. Let God’s view of your life become your reality. This reality will cause your inner being to stand and not be divided.