170 results total, viewing 41 - 60
A special meeting of the Swainsboro City Council and Mayor was called to order Thursday evening, October 24, at 6 p.m. Following an invocation and pledge of allegiance, council considered two items … more
Emanuel Family Medical Clinic ribbon-cutting was held on Thursday, October 22 at 11:30 a.m. Following the ribbon cutting, refreshments were served by Linda Jordan. All in attendance were invited … more
The Citizens Bank of Swainsboro opened their new Drive-Thru Branch on Monday, October 28. The office is located on 571 South Main Street, and many will remember it as the former Spivey State Bank … more
Quantavius Foster, an elected official of the Swainsboro City Council, has been sentenced to serve fifteen months incarceration in federal prison for conspiracy to distribute controlled substance. … more

The monthly meeting of the Swainsboro Mayor and City Council was held on Monday evening, October 7, 2024. In addition to concerns and discussion surrounding the recent damage throughout the city from … more
Mr. Greg Kennedy was chosen as 2024 -25 Emanuel County Institute Teacher of the Year. He has been teaching for 25 years and has always taught at ECI since Fall of 2000. Greg began teaching PE and … more
Georgia homeowners and renters in 41 counties who had uninsured damage or losses caused by Hurricane Helene may be eligible for FEMA disaster assistance. FEMA may be able to help with serious … more
Thank you to the hardworking lineman for restoring power back to Emanuel Medical Center. Please read below for the following announcements. The cafeteria is open to the public effective … more
From Emanuel County Schools: We are pleased to announce that students will be returning to school tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9.  Our dedicated teachers and staff were excited to return … more

From Emanuel County Schools: We hope this message finds you safe and well.  As Emanuel County continues to recover from Hurricane Helene, Emanuel County Schools will adhere to our reopening … more
Due to limited accessibility and resources as a result of the storm, we have an abbreviated issue of the Forest-Blade this week. It is currently available as an e-edition on our site and is free to … more
Sometimes our greatest blessings are revealed in our darkest times. Our community, and so many more like ours throughout the Southeast, has certainly seen some dark times over this last week. … more
Thank you to the hardworking lineman for restoring power back to Emanuel Medical Center. Please read below for the following announcements. The cafeteria is open to the public effective … more
As a result of the damage and aftermath of Hurricane Helene, the annual Chamber Industry Appreciation Golf Outing planned for this Friday has been postponed to a later date. If you contributed … more

The following occurred during the Emanuel County Superior Court July 2024 term: Bob Harrison, repeat offender, negotiated a guilty-alford plea on one count possession of firearm by convicted … more
Kathie Barton and Shirley Boulineau spent ten days exploring the Black Hills. They visited Cheyenne, Wyoming and Deadwood, South Dakota where Wild Bill Hickock was killed while playing poker. He and … more
Emanuel Medical Center has broken ground on some exciting and expansive renovations for its Emergency Department. During this construction, there are new locations for the ER and ICU. Brooke … more
Emanuel Medical Center held a groundbreaking ceremony last Friday to mark the beginning of construction for its much-anticipated Emergency Department expansion. The event brought together a large … more
The family bluegrass music festival, Headin’ Home Fest, is returning to Swainsboro this October! Dates are October 23-27, 2024, at the Georgia Sports Arena. What better way to enjoy the crisp fall … more

The September meeting of the Swainsboro Mayor and City Council was held on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 6 p.m. at Swainsboro City Hall. Following an Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, the … more
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